
Greek Yogurt Recipe #97825618

I did so much cooking last week that the fridge needed time to clear out and alas, I have NO new original recipes for you.

I do however, have a recipe to SHARE with you.

This month's Sunset had a recipe for a yogurt cheese called labneh. Labneh is basically a middle eastern cheese made from yogurt and salt. It's really that easy. This recipe is from Sunset, and I take zero credit for it:



  • 3 cups plain nonfat greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp fine sea salt
  • EVOO
  • Stir salt in to yogurt
  • Place a strainer over a bowl
  • Transfer yogurt into the strainer lined with cheesecloth or a single layer of paper towel
  • Cover with plastic wrap
  • Refrigerate for 2 days
  • Transfer to a tall narrow jar (like a jam jar) and pour over about 1/4" of EVOO
  • Keeps in the fridge for a few weeks

I thought for sure this recipe would be blah boring, but it is actually very delicious! Make sure you use a really tasty fruity olive oil. If you can get a lemon olive oil or some sort of flavored one from a specialty shop, even better. I've had the labneh on crackers as a snack, spread on toast and served with scrambled egg whites, stirred into hot pasta to make a creamy fake mac n cheese, and with crudites. It would be great with pita, with some fruit, or on a cheese plate.

In other news, my next food venture is going to be a Vegan-for-a-Week challenge. I'm going to scour my favorite vegan blogs and stockpile recipes and be vegan for a week. I'm thinking that I will start the Monday after the super bowl and shoot for a whole 7 days, 21 meals. I'm hoping to try some new recipes, eat some different foods, see what cheese withdrawals are like, and see how eating more plant-based fuels my body. If I'm lucky, the change in eating will show up on the scale and help these last pounds get lost. Here are some of my fav vegan blogs, for your ref:

I should be able to come up with an entire year of meals from those blogs!

More to come on that later!

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